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Nairaland crime

Why Nobody Should Feel Pity When Uniformed Armed Robbers Are Gunned Down

I’m not referring to soldiers who are stationed to maintain peace. However, any uniformed officer, be it police, soldier or whatever who blocks the road and illegally extorts motorists at gunpoint is nothing but a criminal and should be treated like criminals. People should think, what’s the difference between these so-called police that mount illegal road blocks, cause hardship on travelers and rob motorists at gunpoint and other common robbers? Nothing! Even some armed robbers wear uniforms too!! So, if we feel excited when civilian armed robbers are killed why should we feel sad when uniformed armed robbers are killed??!If your salary as a policeman is not enough and you don’t have passion to do the job, quit! There are other civil servants that are more educated yet earn lesser salary than policemen. But if you think you will block roads, cause hardship and rob civilians because you were given a licensed gun, then you should also be treated like common armed robbers.