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Chinese Human Organ Harvesters In Africa Viral Video

I watched the first few moments yesterday, of a video clip that horrified and sickened me to the extent that I barely slept throughout the night, on account of being tormented by the utterly petrifying images I saw in that video clip that is currently being shared virally on WhatsApp, but which will in all likelihood soon be taken down due to the devastating story of abject horror that footage tells. The video clip whose link I would NEVER share, started with the image of a confused but still calm young black girl aged about twenty, sitting on the ground in a forest while Chinese-speaking voices chatter in the background as the cameraman, who appears to be a member of the human organ harvesting gang, calmly films the scene of stark debilitating horror that commences so fast my heart missed a beat.The young girl was dressed as though for a modeling photo shoot with a theme of beach attire. Yellow shorts, and a cleavage-bearing blue top. The girl was handed a flat metal plate measuring about 6 inches square and instructed to use both hands to position that plate on the very top of her head. The girl complied and was looking up from her seated position as though awaiting further instructions, when out of nowhere, a yam-pounding pestle was slammed with full force unto the girl's head in a massive blow from above, dead center on that small metal plate, rendering the girl comatose instantly. With shaking hands, I hastily stopped the video clip and staggered backward out of my chair in such a state of utter shock so overwhelming that I felt I might require medical attention. I never watched the rest of that video clip, but I did forward it via WhatsApp to a friend in one of the nation's security agencies, who informed me that extracted human organs survive the removal and refrigeration process better if the victim is STILL ALIVE while those organs, including the still beating heart, are surgically removed and placed into freezer boxes for export to China where the legal and black markets in human organs are booming and essentially unregulated. The security officer said that while the perpetrators who were heard laughing and chatting excitedly during that filmed murder of a young African woman were without question speaking in Mandarin Chinese, the specific country where the murder occurred could not be ascertained from that particular video clip. The writeup accompanying this video clip makes a specific mention of bogus "employment agencies" that have been set up to lure in and ensnare young women in Ghana, Nigeria, and other West African countries, using promises of lucrative jobs on offer locally or in the mythical "overseas" that so many of Africa's poor are preconditioned to regard as the place of abundance where dreams and ambitions reach fruition. The women who apply for such jobs, ranging from infant care nanny jobs to sales positions, then find themselves isolated among strangers whose job is to stun those job applicants with massive blows to the head, and then swiftly butcher them alive for every organ that they can harvest for sale in China.Beware those job agencies, African women. Beware of ANY job offer made by the Chinese in Africa. This video clip gives a harrowing glimpse into the depth of pure unadulterated evil that befalls so many young female job applicants who respond to adverts placed by organ harvesters in disguise, who are now tragically, on the hunt deep in the heart of black Africa. It is high time that the Nigerian federal government conducts a comprehensive investigation and registration of ALL employment agencies advertising in Nigeria so that the individuals involved in such agencies can be properly scrutinized and investigated to narrow down on those who might be in the business of mass murder for organ theft, in Nigeria, hidden in plain sight amid a climate of kidnap for ransom that disguises many far worse and surreally depraved evils.