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Danger Looms As Customers And Residents Draws The Attention Of Lagos State Govt

AND THE LAGOS STATE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGAENCY (LASEPA) INTO SWEET HOME EXCLUSIVE GARDEN AND SUITES PREMISES AND BUSINESS ACTIVITIES. The customers of sweet home exclusive gardens and suites Ijegun have called on the Lagos State Government and the Lagos State Environmental Protection Agency (LASEPA) to look into the action of the hotel (Sweet Home Exclusive Garden and Suites) and the environment in which it's business is being conducted.It's on record that for a very long time exist pothole just at the entrance of the hotel which have been causing harm/injuries to customers.Complaint have been made to the owner/management of the hotel but no effort has been made to address the situation. Till now the pothole is still there and it has caused harm to more than 4 persons.As shown in the picture above, one of the victim who was badly hurt, narrated his ordeal and the pain he's undergoing as a result of the negligence.The attention of the government (LASEPA) has been drawn as a matter of urgency to look into the activities of the hotel and the environment the hotel is conducting its business activities, so as to avoid more people being hurt or injured within the hotel premises.Kingsley Efionayi @Vonnews