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Man Rapes Daughter And She Still Screams 'I Love You' As He's Led Out Of Court

A man has been jailed for life after fathering a childwith his own daughter who he raped repeatedly fromwhen she was just 10.The man, who cannot be named for legal reasons,was given a life sentence after Derby Crown Courtafter jurors heard how he 'took his daughter's life'through sexual abuse.His depravity was exposed when he impregnated herwhen she was just a teenager, having 'poisoned' thegirl against her mother.As she watched her abuser being led away from thedock the girl ran towards him, crying out: 'I love youand miss you.'Earlier the court heard how her father had been herprimary carer for years and began raping her whenhe felt 'out of sorts or angry'.Despite promising to stop the abuse after eachattack, the man carried on abusing her until shebecame pregnant.In a bid to terminate the pregnancy without raisingconcern he encouraged his daughter to continue kickboxing, the court heard.Eventually, when the girl refused to tell authoritieswho the father of the baby was they ordered apaternity test.The pair fled but were apprehended by police and theman taken into custody.Giving evidence the girl told of how she was tooscared to reported her father to police and still 'lovedhim'.'The abuse has set my life on the wrong course anddestroyed the normal childhood and teenage yearsthat everyone deserves,' she said in a statement.'I feared the consequences of disclosure because Ilove my dad.'I know what he did was wrong, but I grew up with my dad by my side.'I just wanted him to get help to make him better butunfortunately that never happened and it has cometo this.Source: