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Nairaland crime

(guys Only) Yahoo Boys As Friends?

Good day guys Actually I was connecting with a lot of guys in my neighborhood we talk a lot, hangout, do stuff together but recently while I started evolving, I noticed I'd have to limit my friendship.The reason majority of my neighbourhood guys here are into Yahoo.Mixing up with this kind of guys pose a lot of risk.Like recently them been break one guy leg here, just imagine if I tagged along..Do you suggest still keeping the friendship or cutting off? or probably consider moving out (Relocating) because I've gone deep being their friends.. almost every area here in my estate they all know me. I've also tried to create new healthy friendships but each of this person is also linked to one of these guys one way or the other, so it's hard to connect with them on a deeper level. This has been messing with my mental health for a while now. I'm thinking about creating new friendships but most of them do not stay in my area.I'll appreciate your input guys.