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Nairaland crime

Why There Is A Direct Connection Between Jeans Trousers & Crimes

This idea came to me many years ago. I have deliberated on it for many years, up to 4 years or more. I kept thinking about it. And over the years, I've found it to be very true. Very very true.Do you know there is a connection between jeans and crime? Especially in Nigeria? You may think it's some kind of weird idea, but don't dismiss it, it's the truth I'm telling you. Do you know there is a very strong connection between wearing jeans trousers and commiting heinous crimes such as rape, murder, arson, burglary, assassination, stealing, theft, lying, cheating, prostitution, cultism, armed robbery, gun violence, etc? Do you know there is a very strong connection between the cloth you wear on your body and how you behave? What this means is that the kind of cloth you wear can rob off on you and positively or negatively influence your behavior and character. The main reason why I opened this thread is to draw the attention of the Nigerian security agencies, the police, the DSS, the IG of police and other relevant security agencies and the president of Nigeria that jeans trousers is a great menace to society. Jeans trousers causes men to go into all kinds of heinous crimes. That is the truth I've discovered for many years now but I decided to let it out right now because I now know it's very true. How do you know if I'm saying the truth? Please watch all male crime suspects in police cells across Nigeria, all the ones paraded on TV stations, all the ones paraded in the newspapers, blogs, etc, at least 80% of them were arrested wearing jeans trousers. Let any police officer come and confirm or deny what I'm saying. Whether I'm saying the truth or not. Pls as a police officer, or NDLEA officer, bring out 10 suspects you arrested recently for serious crimes like armed robbery, cultism, kidnapping, murder, drug trafficking, etc, and check them whether you will not see at least 7, 8 or even 9 of them wearing jeans trousers. I know what I'm talking about. This is an evil cloth not meant to be worn by men at all, especially in Nigeria. It influences men into crimes. And even women too. Pls all Nigerians should join hands with me to broadcast this truth and let's do something about it. I hereby call on the IG to properly investigate this my claim and see whether it's true or not. I also call on the president to ban the wearing of jeans trousers by men in Nigeria if after investigation and if it was actually discovered that most people who commit heinous crimes wear jeans and that it influences them to commit these crimes. Also, pls drop me the mailing address of the IG of police below, I will personally write a letter to the IG on these issues and on my observations. Drop your comments, let's hear from you. Thank you. CC:OAM4JMynd44SeunLalasticlalanlfpmod