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16 Reasons Why You Should Not Commit Suicide

"As chopping off one's head is not the cure for headache, so is commiting suicide not the solution to your predicament"I have being reading in the news recently about the upsurge in suicide attempt mostly common among young people. I want you to know that at every point in life, everyone have thought of ending their own life but one thing or another freezes their hands.I hope you still your hands and find solace in reading this reasons I have outlined:1. It will upsets your parents and crush the spirit of the few that actually love you.2. It displeases God. Besides no one even knows what happens after death?3. Those who benefit from you, might become hopeless for life. Ok you don't believe me! Well your pet, that poor man/woman you often give alms to, that person who eats from you, the person coming to meet you for assistance will definitely feel it.4. There are beautiful moments ahead of you. All it requires is for you to just pass today's test.5. life is full of ups and down. Sometimes you cry, other times you laugh. All these challenges are what makes life beautiful.6. Life is an adventure, where you place your footprints at the sand of time.7. Pain is but for a moment, you won't always feel this way.8. Note that everyone is going through one problem or the other. So you are not the only one in this. And by now you should have known that no condition is permanent.9. If i may ask "can you remember the trouble you got yourself into when you were a child and you wish the ground should swallow you up? For everything heals with time. And you shall smile again.10. As there is a solution to the hardest maths problem, so is there a solution to your problems. Discuss your situations with people of wisdom or those you know to be wise and they might help find answers that work.11. If you kill yourself, you’ll just become another statistic. Choose to live and inspire others with your turn around story.12. Life is so unpredictable. You might be contemplating of committing suicide, while someone might be thinking of giving you the money you asked for. Or may be its even your Ex just thinking of coming back to you. So don't kill yourself cause everything can take shape just within the twinkling of an eye.13. Sometimes when you are about to give up might be when hope will just come. So pause and look on the brighter side.14. Remember the story of Job; despite he lost his wealth, children, and even wife. He still had hope and his blessings was restored back seven years later in seven folds.15. On a lighter note, let me beg that you wait till December before considering it. Am sure the breeze and fun of Christmas will wash your thoughts off .16. Besides you can find comfort by reading articles on those who are faced with terrible situations but yet decided to live. The story I read about a man's gory scar really touched me cause no one wanted to see his face or come near him but yet he didn't commit suicide. Today he can smile again because he has a wife and beautiful children.You can read amazing suicide averted stories here to lift your spirit. conclusion, I hope this article might have opened your eyes to seeing a better you. And I leave you with this quote:"For a man to take his own life is to underrate life. And a man must never underestimate anything. For the worthless of thing today might become the most important tomorrow" - Ortintin