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Father Slumps, Dies While Trying To Bail Sons At Police Station

An elderly man, Alhaji Muftau Mohammed of GbeganuArea of Minna, Niger State capital, slumped and died atMorris Police Division, where he had gone to bail two ofhis sons, Mubarak Ahmed and Yusuf Mohammed whowere reportedly arrested by the police.Mubarak and Yusuf told Daily Trust that they were pickedby the police around 11pm on Wednesday where they weresleeping in a burglary in front of their house due to heat.According to Yusuf, “We were lying down in a burglary infront of our house around 11:23pm when three policepatrol vans passed us and went into Gbeganu Area. Fewhours later, we saw them coming back and we stood up.Suddenly, the vehicle in the middle packed in front of usand they asked what we were doing outside. We told themthat it was where we normally sleep because of heat. Oneof the officers forced the burglary opened and ordered hiscolleagues to put us in the vehicle and take us to thestation.“When we got to the station at Morris, they collected ourphones and put us in the cell. At about 20 minutes later, Iwas in cell when I heard my father’s voice outside. Later Iheard him screaming, asking for water and few secondslater, I didn’t hear anything again. It was at that point that Iasked one of officers what was happening outside. But oneof the officers told his colleague not to tell us anything.Later I didn’t hear our father’s voice again until when wewere told that he was dead.”Also speaking, Mr Dauda Jimo, the deceased neighbor whotook him on his bike to police station that fateful night, saidAlhaji Muftau Mohammed had high blood pressure and thateach time he was woken up horribly, he usually developssevere headache.“It was in my presence that his sons were picked by thepolice and Alhaji had already retired to bed. It was thenoise from his daughters and neighborhood that woke himup horribly. So, when they told him that Mubarak and Yusufwere taken away by the police, he called me to bring mybike to take him to the police station. We got to policestation at about 12:33am.“”So, where we were seated, he told me he was having asevere headache and I should get him water to drink. Welooked for water around the vicinity but we couldn’t getbecause all the shops around had closed for the day. It wasin the process that he collapsed and one of the tricyclesthat was arrested was released to take us to the hospitaland one policeman was asked to follow us.“We went to Imani Clinic, we were told that doctor was notaround. So, we headed for General Hospital. On our way,the fuel in Tricycle got finished. It was at that point that wesaw one of the police vans with which Yusuf and Mubarakwere arrested . So, they stopped and we told them whathappened and they took us to Minna General Hospital.Getting to the hospital, we dropped Alhaji’s dead body andpolice left.”Another neighbor, Alhaji Ahmad Abdullahi, who claimed tohave witnessed all that transpired told our correspondentthat the deceased’s wife who also followed them to policestation fainted when the news of her husband’s death wasbroken to her.“The wife wanted to trek kilometers to Morris PoliceDivision that night but I obliged her to enter my car.Immediately we got to Morris Police Division, one of ourneighbors who took Alhaji there rushed to me. Not knowingthat his wife was sitting in the back seat, he broke thenews to us and the wife jumped out of the car. As she wasabout running to enter the station, she fell down andfainted. It took some minutes before she was revived,” henarrated.When contacted, the Niger Stat Police Command’s PublicRelations Officer, SP Wasiu Abiodun, the confirmed theincident.He said police had commenced investigation into thematter to ascertain the fact, and to also look into thescenario if there was any act of negligence for necessarydisciplinary action oam4j lalasticlala seun nlfpmod fergie001