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Nairaland crime

The Problem With All Uniformed Men In Nigeria Is A Global Phenomenom

The perception of security personnel in uniforms by the public confirms the convictions a normal defenseless citizen will have about them!What comes to your mind when you see the Police,Army,Civil defence corps,body guards or any other guards ,custom officers,navy or any other uniform personnel aside security matters?It's all the same,Bribery,Corruption violence,false accusations,and dereliction of duty in their responsibilities for the citizens.Even Jesus Christ spoke to the soldiers about this thing and it has become a universal habit!!!Luke 3:14 And the soldiers likewise demanded of him, saying, And what shall we do? And he said unto them, Do violence to no man, neither accuse any falsely; and be content with your wages.When we see how security has become politicized in this country then we can understand it all that one issue that can bring uniformed men never to be content with their wages is disloyalty!!!It may be because of other factors but that doesn't mean that they should allow citizens to be killed and fail to protect them.In a world where Nigeria is presumed a poor country,it is evident why many join the Military or navy and out of it all most of them do not join because they are patriotics.Some join for other reasons and they bear the brunt and once they have finished training,they become loyal only to those who give them more than their wages and they become government dogs than citizen protectors or patriots who follow the ethics and code of conducts most of the security organizations were set up from!Today,weapons and oil have become a major point of trade for uniformed men.There is one sort of thing they all benefit from via bribery and corruption.