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Nairaland crime

Is It Ritual Or Mental Slavery?

Hi Nairaland, I am new here and i bring you something you might already know or not.I have been studying the business space for a while in 7 countries and have noticed some common patterns which i have documented in the past 5 years.I am a grand occultist and human rights activist, so anything i say here is something i can prove, i can and will readily use you for experiment if you doubt me too much.Have you noticed there are some certain types of special people, the street name for these people are "Otapiapia", the new age internet name is "Chosen ones", the Sci-fi name is "Mutants", the social name is "weirdos" or "misfits", the scientific name is "Neurodivergent", The biblical name is "isrealites", while the religious name is "Believers", these re individuals with exceptional ability to believe anything to the extent that the thing starts to happen, they re usually born with some extra sensory perception and gifted with the ability to reason beyond what the normal brain can cognitively understand.Some of them are same mad scientists who invented the worlds greatest inventions like electromagnetic fields (Nikola Tesla), some of them have been passionate messengers of God like Jesus Christ, Buddha or William Branham, Some of them re very great iconic athletes or musical artists like Michael Jackson, some were great tyrants like Hitler, Some never had the chance to experience their true nature, they had been used since birth, While some went into heavy drug abuse and resulted to the streets as mad people, These were people with exceptional ability to believe they could be great and do very great things and lived to fulfil that greatness, Not everyone can do that, don't allow motivational speakers to deceive you, Just like not everyone was born tall or with big ass or prick, these people were born with very higher believing brains than others, but in recent times, such people are now being programmed into thinking they are crazy and unfit people and then become slaves or puppets for the local and international capitalists, this is because such people are a total risk to the system, Imagine having people who believe they can be or do anything, it becomes very unpredictable to function as a society.In a system where everything needs to be predictable and organized in the order that protects the powers that be, such people are dangerous hence must be controlled at all cost, such people can just come up with an invention that spoils foundations the powers that be have taken years to build, they could just believe in God so much that they become another Christ that to go around healing people and making the pharmaceutical industries seem irrelevant and loose money.The government does not want that, the society does not want another Hitler or Jesus by mistake or some special individual, we do not want a situation where unexpected things starts happening, which is why a clever a system have been mounted in place to identify and control such people before things get out of hand, because we can not put such great powerful individuals to wastes, we must use them more safely and not allow them use themselves which is dangerous.I have noticed such people in almost every business or company, big or small, they re not usually the ones in charge, but the ones in charge feed off their energy to power their ventures through occultic means of "need" and "reliance", apparently, If you need something, you psychologically outsource your ability to get that thing to the source you believe you can get it from, So if you can get one of these people to need you or rely on you for food or money or basically survival, the very fact that they believe that something they want or desire will come from you, will make all the success or good luck necessary for that thing to come through you for them, but the secret is that, you never give them enough, the more they manifest through you, the more you use it for yourself and feed them just enough for them to keep needing you. "secret exposed".Females know how to identify such people easily, Occultists can read their aura from a mile away, business men and women have such people working for them, pastors and clergy men same, and this secret was only available to few people until recent times,it is the latest form of slavery though known since ancient Egypt, such people are being kept under mental slavery and not ever figuring out how powerful or evolved their brains truly is, they re controlled through the use of thought transmission and harmonic resonance,because they have extra sensory perception and can almost hear the thoughts of others, their controllers and handlers are instructed to always hold degrading or misleading thoughts about the victim in their minds, such that when they perceive such idea, they accept it as their own and keep living in slavery for their masters, other methods used to keep them under slavery and strict control is narcissism, gaslighting, gang-stalking, smear campaign and false gossips against the individual, mental health misdiagnosis and drug administration, drug abuse and sex abuse, Anything that can control the narrative of their life's story will work so that when they try to discern thoughts around them, it's always rejection, hate and disgust, so they only accept and rely on the master in charge for all their needs hence become their source of energy, good luck charm or money battery, the list or techniques is long, look up MKULTRA that's what the CIA mind control program was all about.I have videos, photos, audios, documents, and very incriminating files about this operation going on world wide especially in African countries, the thing is already casted, all i am doing is helping to cast it the more, make your friends and families aware of this form of slavery and protect their children, siblings and friends, that's if they re not the ones using the victim, and i am also posting this to further my covert research, as this secret slavery is now being abused even by common hair barbers and local recharge card vendors, It is very sickening to watch, everyone just wants a slave to serve as their money power bank.If you feel you re a victim of such, reach me, I have helped to set over 72 individuals free from just a 1 hour phone call of truth telling, if you doubt what i am saying, you can also book me let me use your head for experiment and control your mind for just 1 week so you can see how you can be a victim of mind control and power bank.This phenomenon is not ritual or blood money, you will be shocked how many of your great role models and so called rich moguls are using this technique, it is simply slavery through psychological manipulation, for the ritual part, I will explain how that one works in my next episode.Until then, simply drop your email, I will reach out for experiment (for doubters) or for setting you free and further research (for victims), I am not going to reply to any questions or comments, i am too busy for that kind of thing.