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Nairaland crime

The Legendary Monkey Police Of Thailand.

Monkeys in Thailand swarm their cities, stealing food from shops and harassing pedestrians who ironically feed the monkeys, thereby triggering a positive feedback loop in the monkeys' brains, causing the furry bastards to associate ALL humans with free food, either by donation of food or by loss of food due to monkey burglaries that target shop owners who fail to cooperate with the monkey's dastardly agenda. hereby propose that Nigeria should also create a special Monkey Task Force with yours truly as the Federal Coordinator whose signature will access vast treasures of public funds. If it is discovered that Nigeria's towns and cities experience NO monkey problem comparable to that faced by Thailand, then the Monkey Taskforce can simply re-tool to arrest human monkeys wherever they may lurk in the federation while noting that quite a few of them infest this Nairaland forum. By their writing, we shalt knoweth them. We will round up the usual suspects so they can be granted the opportunity to face the music of justice.