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Chioma Vs Erisco: The Way Forward

Chioma vs Erisco: the way forwardWhen the issue between Chioma and Erisco started trending, I was skeptical of following it up as I thought it was the usual online bruhaha. However, as the case rages, one day, as I was scrolling through my YouTube feed, I came across the interview Erisco had with Arise TV; after watching the interview, YouTube also recommended the interview Iniebene (Chioma's lawyer) had with the same platform, and I watched it too, and since then, I have been following the trend.I observed the following:1) Different types of tomato puree exist, although tomato seeds are usually drawn on the containers that house them.2) Some tomato puree contains larger amounts of sweeteners or sugar than others.3) The majority of Nigerians didn't know the difference between sweetened tomato purees and unsweetened ones before now, and some don't still don't know.4) After listening to both interviews, I discovered that Chioma was wrong with her review and the subsequent events that preceded the review.5) After being told that she may have mistakenly bought a mixed tomato puree that contains more sugar than others, she should have issued a genuine apology to Erisco as requested and let the case die down.6) I have personally made a similar mistake in the past. I walked around a large grocery store looking for a tomato tin to buy; once, I saw a tin with a tomato seed drawn on it. I grabbed it without reading the description and knowing that it was a tomato sauce containing a large amount of sugar, more than the normal tomato tin. I only discovered my mistake after cooking a stew with the tomato sauce. It was so sugary that I started questioning what I bought and had to read the empty tin of the tomato sauce, that's when I discovered my mistake.7) Many people have been condemning Erisco for involving the police in the matter. Would it have been better for Erisco to use the bad boys to hurt or kill Chioma? Or would it have been better for Erisco to assault Chioma personally? Police are meant to settle disputes, and they did their job well in this case, although Chioma refused to listen. Erisco was right for involving the police, and there is nothing absolutely wrong with that. People have been comparing the daily criticisms received by prominent people like Musk or Mark to the ones done to Erisco's product. There is a huge difference here. Mark or Elon's products do not involve human health or life. Those who manufacture products consumed by humans are always extremely careful as they know the consequences of any little mistake in their product.9) Critical health and life product reviews are better left to professionals. It is referred to as "your money or your life" in the expert review world. Reviewers in this field are highly trained and are always very careful. They analyze contents, links, references, and pedigree of personnel involved in a product. You do not just stand up and mark reckless statements in "your money or your life" matters or products.10) The crude and sincere attitude exhibited by Erisco in the Arise TV's interview is why he is successful in his business today. In business, sincerity alone cannot take you anywhere, as some people or competitors will be all out to crush you and your business. You have to mix both to survive in the business world.11) I don't see how Chioma will win this case. You cannot continue to be stubborn in naivety. You made a terrible mistake and admitted so. Why did you arrogantly reverse yourself? We are Igbos and we know how we resolve issues. This case cannot be resolved without your cooperation and humility. You made a mistake, and you are the reason why this case is still lingering.12) There is still a chance for Chioma. Tender a sincere apology to Erisco on your Facebook page and other platforms you can afford. Gather prominent people that Erisco listens to, to go and beg him for forgiveness. Don't rely on Iniebene's advice, international media reports, or public sentiment, as these will not do you any good.13) As for Iniebene, Erisco did not mention your name in the interview he had with TVC on the second video below, and I don't know why you are requesting an apology through Falana. Is your name now "another charge and bail lawyer, fake lawyer"? How can you prove that he was referring to you? Erisco did not say Iniebene Effiong is a charge and bail lawyer or a fake lawyer in the video unless there is any other video where he directly called you a charge and bail lawyer or a fake lawyer. Please don't prove skeptics right.I think you are not doing Chioma any favor in this case; please end this case so that everyone will move on.14) It is necessary that this case is put to an end so that Erisco will focus on his business while Chioma regains her freedom and normal life.Erisco: We Are Suing Tomato Paste Reviewer For N5bn - Eric Umeofia Foods CEO Speaks With Business Nigeria On Right of Reply Over Harsh Paste Reviewer To Countersue Erisco for N500 million - Inibehe Effiong