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Understanding Criminal Psychologist

The field of criminal psychology delves into the intricate workings of the criminal mind. A criminal psychologist is a professional who studies the wills, thoughts, intentions, and reactions of criminals and potential criminals. It may sound like a thrilling venture straight out of a popular television series, but it's a serious scientific field with a profound societal impact and becoming a criminal psychologist isn't easy.The focus of criminal psychology lies predominantly in understanding and predicting criminal behavior. The criminal psychology field encompasses an extensive array of aspects relating to a criminal's behavior, such as the causes of such behavior, the thoughts and feelings behind the behavior, and its prevention.In essence, to become a criminal psychologist, it's about comprehending why certain individuals commit crimes and how these actions might be deterred or prevented.The primary purpose of the criminal psychology field, then, is not solely to understand criminal minds for the sake of knowledge.Rather, criminal psychologists work to apply this understanding in practical settings - for instance, to help law enforcement officers prevent crimes or to assist in the rehabilitation of those who have committed crimes. These findings can also be used to help design correctional facilities and programs, or to improve interrogation techniques.It's not unusual to find criminal psychologists and law enforcement officials working in tandem.