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Nairaland crime

I Was Slapped By An Unharmed Soldier

I was walking into a bar with two of my friends when we noticed some Soldiers in uniform though they were unharmed.They were demonstrating their parade and we were minding our own business by just walking pass them until one of them called us.He asked us why we couldn’t say anything to them and he also asked us if what they were doing sounds like a joke to us.We told them that we were minding our own business and we didn’t even want to interrupt them to actually avoid what later happened.Later on, one of my three friends who is not calm them started to voice out for them when they started threatening us with milliatary status and he was later calmed by one of them when they see how much he’s ranting.Then, two of the military came to me and started telling me that they are military men until they tips me to remove my cap which I refused.When we started arguing one of them suddenly gave me a slap which i really felt the pain.I was about to give him back the slap then I pitied the milliatary uniform on their neck.I really felt embarrassed and left the place and went starlight to the bar.A calm one among the military men came later on to apologize to me and I gave him attention to talk to me.He apologized for being so rude towards us and I accepted the apology.Even though, after the whole film the army guys called me and I stood up again from the bar and they apologize again but the actual guy that hit me came back to us and he said wanted to talk to me which I didn’t give attention.A friend of mine told them to forget it because I can’t be happy with someone that hit me by slap.I went back to the bar feeling embarrassed because my friends were saying it can’t be them while I was also regretting the whole scene.I just wanna ask if I can actually hit back an unharmed military men and also wanna know if I was too calm with them to warrant a slap from a young boy of my younger brothers age.I think I’m too silent with them because I don’t want to attract noise.