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Nairaland politics

Sultan of Futa Djallon - The Fraud in Hausa Land

Everybody in Nigeria must realize that the Sultan of Sokoto is NOT an indigenous Nigerian. He is NOT, and this fact must be engraved on the minds of every northerner.His ancestor migrated from Futa Djallon and established a fake caliphate in Hausa Land. The ancestor was a migrant, his Caliphate is fake, the throne in the fake Caliphate is NOT ancestral, etc. Your Sultan has no ancestors in Nigeria. His real ancestors are in Futa Djallon. He sits on a fake throne.Consequently, all respect, honour and entitlement deserving of indigenous kings must NOT be extended to the Sultan of Sokoto. His Caliphate and his throne are fake. He is not indigenous to the North. He is from Guinea. His ancestors are Guineans.Every Nigerian indigenous king must be aware of this, and act accordingly. Failure to enlighten yourself is an insult to your ancestry as an indigenous Nigerian.This must also extend to Governments at all levels, the legislature, the traditional councils, and the ordinary northern people. Do NOT insult your ancestry by bowing to a non-existent stool .