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NATIONAL STRIKE: NLC, TUC Betray Nigeria Workers Again?

The recent news about the outcome of the Tripartite Committee meeting over the minimum wage signaling an end to the strike is another glaring example that NLC has not learnt its lessons about this APC deceitful government…. How many times will they go on strike only to end it on flimsy grounds with nothing concrete achieved…. Looking at the resolutions reached you can clearly see that nothing of substance was achieved except the president’s commitment to a minimum wage above N60,000…. It will be another betrayal by NLC, TUC leaders if they call off the strike now…. The economic crisis caused by this incompetent government and the high cost of food and services afflicting Nigerian workers will not go away by wishful talks and watery resolutions…. The strike must continue to send a strong message to these callous leaders and ensure that genuine progress is made in alleviating the pain of Nigerian workers and all Nigerians. NLC should call off the strike only when the government commits to a specific new minimum wage amount…. Also part of NLC’s demand should be a drastic review and reduction of the huge allowances been paid to the legislooters and Tinubu’s executive team….. NLC should know that Nigerians are watching and any attempt to hoodwink and kill the national struggle for a fair minimum wage maybe the final nail that will forever dent the image of NLC, TUC and it’s affiliates….. destroying it’s reputation and relevance in our national polity forever….Tinubu’s stubborn, irresponsible and insensitive government should not be treated with kids gloves…. Even if this strike ends today…. It is only a matter of time, Nigerians will take action and a massive protest/revolution will consume this country….. this economic crisis is now unbearable for many Nigerians….