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Nigerians Urge National Assembly To Replace Eagle In Coat Of Arms With BAT

Nigerians Urge National Assembly to Replace Eagle in Coat of Arms with BATIn a surprising development, a growing number of Nigerians are calling on the National Assembly to pass a bill that would replace the eagle in the nation's coat of arms with a bat. This movement, which has gained traction on social media and in various public forums, argues that the bat better represents resilience and adaptability, qualities seen as essential in the face of current national challenges.Advocates for the change highlight the bat's ability to thrive in diverse environments and its role in ecosystems as a symbol of resourcefulness and survival. They contend that these traits resonate more with the Nigerian spirit than the traditional eagle, which has long been associated with strength and freedom.Critics, however, view this proposal as unnecessary and disruptive, emphasizing the historical significance of the eagle in symbolizing the nation's aspirations. They caution against altering a well-established emblem that carries deep cultural and national meaning.The National Assembly has yet to formally respond to the proposal, but the debate continues to spark discussions nationwide about national identity and symbolism.