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Nairaland politics

Create More States To Devolve Power Further? Not Regionalism???

Since the LG system has collapsed it would make sense to create more stated knowing that the Governors are emperors who push development in their respective states if they so wish.One can see that last exercise was a success. Akwa Ibom state came out of CRS. But today Akwa Ibom is more developed than her parent state which is CRS.Same thing Gombe state and Bauchi, Gombe is one of the best run states in Nigeria. And it is highly developed when compared to Bauchi.See the level of development in Delta state today, if it were still part of bendel state the development would be a far cry.The SE needs one more state. Create a state around Lake Chad foreshore to take care of that area.Oke ogun state from oyo state is long over due. Create a state from Niger State, it being the largest state in Nigeria and it seems to have a lot of ungoverned spaces.Instead of going to one silly regionalism creat more states to spread development.What do you think.