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Nairaland politics

Anthem Change: The military was more democratic by calling for competition

You cannot shave a man's head in his absenceIn Nigeria's case, their head has been shaved in their presence without a say in how it is shaved.How else do you explain a change of the national anthem in 24 hrs?Even the military under Obasanjo was more democratic about it by calling for national competition in the newspapers.How on earth does a government full of old people that I would not like to call old fools wake up and decide to change the anthem of 200 million plus people?The contempt for docile Nigerians has reached an all-time high.How do you pick an anthem created by a white colonial master's wife more than half a century ago of which our old cargo dim and inferior-minded legislators have fond memory off? No pride or brain whatsoever.Imagine some government officials just waking up to change The Star-Spangled Banner anthem in just 24 hrs to an anthem written by an African woman some 70 years ago.A country named by a white woman with the derogatory term Nigga Area like a dog is named now reverts to an anthem by another colonial master's lady of the other room.This must have been a double-dare by the puppet master to see how docile and stupid Nigerians are.It is now time for the young minds not infected by this inferiority complex to take over.It is time to disband Nigeria as it is and let every region be by itself the way it should be.It is time to erase artificial lines dividing blood brothers and families across Africa with artificially imposed lines and allow free movement.The Europeans would have killed all of themselves if they had this kind of union where the French, the Italians, the Spanish, The Germans, and the English were all merged into one country by some outsiders and forced to fight in a game of the throne.Instead of focusing on agriculture on our fertile lands across Africa, every head of tribe is stupidly waiting for their turn to taste the sugary poisonous national cake while their family is begging for food that can easily be grown on the most fertile land in the world God has gifted us.You throw a seed on the floor and it will grow. Instead of harnessing this gift, Africans are busy cutting down trees and clearing bushes to build foreign religious worship centers and praying and begging for food.It is time to wise upThe young uninfected minds should take over from the brainwashed heads.Soro soke gidi gan... Speak up very loud young Africans.