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Nairaland politics

I Feel So Stupidd To Even Read The Verses Of The New Anthem Let Alone Sing It

Anywhere I see the issue of the new anthem being discussed, I just always feel pissed..Recently posts of children reciting it flooded Nairaland, I feel so disgusted to even try and hear how it sounded that I didn't bother till now to play it anywhere I saw it..I think the anger stemmed from how I believe BAT and his APC minions are just insulting our collective intelligence in Broaday light, and using all manner of gimmicks to deflect away from real issues of priority.How should changing anthem be so important in scale of priority in our present dying economy. BAT has never expedited action in any single matters that relate to the health, food security, and livelihood of Nigerian people. I feel terribly sad about the level of foools we have allowed to rule us tossing us around like we are all sheep and fooools who have no option. And the manner at which they rub their idiocy to our faces? .My question is when are we going to wake up? When? I believe any sensible next president would reverse that anthem as his first sign of paradigm shift away from this madness..As a matter if fact I strongly resonate with the stance of Obykwesele abi what's her name, who says the new anthem will never be her anthem, that she will never sing it. I was proud of her to come publicly to make that bold move cos by god I will never learn or sing it. Or I will be damned.In some other country, in the midst of this colossal failure supervised by BAT, only this change of anthem is enough to cause nationwide protest. But this is NIGERIA...where they always conform with everybulllshit with no pushbacks