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Nairaland politics

New National Anthem - The Grand Hypocrisy Of Oby Ezekwesili

In reponse to the national anthem change, Oby Ezekwesili posted the now infamous tweet:''Absolutely incredulous! “Native Land” . “Tribes”. In a 21st Century Nigeria, the country’s political class found a colonial National Anthem that has pejorative words like “Native Land” and “Tribes” to be admirable enough to foist on our Citizens without their consent. It is inevitable that there will be an ideological War between the Political Class and the Citizens of Nigeria. It is only but a matter of “When?”''.........In 2019 Oby Ezekwesili published a statement, following her withdrawal from the presidential race.In the statement, she wrote:I am thankful to all who travelled on this journey with me, who attended our campaign events, who volunteered for the movement, who spread the word and sometimes argued with friends and colleagues, who contributed and invested online and offline. Thank you to the young people who accepted and owned our campaign, to the women – my sisters and comrades – who worked and walked with me, to every believer and supporter from different tribes, states, religions and walks of life. You all are champions. Your sacrifices continue to humble and inspire me and I will never ever forget. Hypocrite - Oby Ezekwesili