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Nairaland politics

Other Regions In Nigeria Do Not Have Moral Right To Advice Southeast On Biafra

The reason is because none of these regions is actually working in the real sense.Nigeria in itself is not working, on what ground do you want to convince an average southeasterner on Biafra?What argument exactly do you want to put forward?Is it because Nigeria is working and moving forward so we can join or because everyone is employed and living fine and naira is doing well?Whats your logical argument to present to a sane person from southeast to stop supporting Biafra?Let's tell ourselves the truth.On what basis are you going to convince an average Igbo from Aba who has Biafra ideology to stop supporting Biafra and follow Nigeria?For me, the only argument would have been that Nigeria is doing well economically and in development strides, but that's not the case, Nigeria is not attractive to those people and she's not worth it.You can't blame them for not wanting to have anything to do with somthing that's obviously not working.Nothing is going to make sense to them unless the Biafra except Nigeria is working