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Nairaland politics

The prediction of an American Activist on the State of Israel gradually surface

Kwame Ture(Civil right Activist)2005 video interview Zionism is a political philosophy which has brought about the state of Israel. The so-called “State of Israel.” This political philosophy has nothing to do with religion, on the contrary, it is to confuse others and let them think that Zionism and Judaism is one and the same. I’m a conscious Africa I know properly my history, I know that Africa gave Judaism to the world, I know that the first Jews in the world were Africans not only do I know this but I inform everyone who has doubts about it to read a book by Sigmund Freud entitled “Moses and Monotheism” as a beginning.Consequently, know that Judaism and Zionism are not the same. Zionism had its first Organisation expression in 1897 in Basel, Switzerland in Europe. Here was a man by the name of Theodore Herzl. He was the founder of Zionism. He said that he was going to find the state that God promised the Jews. Listen to this carefully the man Herzl was an atheist he believed that there was no God, he said God did not exist now how is it the man who believes that God does not exist is going to find a state that God promised to His chosen people? I tell you this man is a Satan in disguise. Zionism is a satanic movement, it is devil, it is imperialism, it is racist, it is gone and taken the lands of the Palestinian people through terrorism has driven them out and through terrorism it maintains its power United States of America with over 6millions homeless sends Israel billions and billions dollars every year to bomb Palestinians while homeless and unemployed people are here. Zionism is going to raise this war and make the people in America become clear to what it is.