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2024: Nigeria's Per Cap At $1100 (from $3200); Poorer Than Zimbabwe - Wikipedia

Nigeria's GDP is officially reported on Wikipedia as $252bn ($1100 per capita).The country's GDP was formerly $568bn in 2014 ($3200 per capita).The country is ranked poorer than Cameroon, Angola, Congo Republic, Zimbabwe, Ghana, Botswana all of whom have higher per capita incomes.Zimbabwe for example has a per Capita of $2000 for 2024, and Congo Brazaville, $2400. Here is a list of some select African countries and their prosperity in 2024:1. Seychelles - $210002. Mauritius - $129003. Gabon - $93004. Botswana - $78005. Libya - $69006. Equatorial Guinea - $67007. South Africa - $59008. Algeria - $57009. Namibia - $470010. Cape Verde - $460011. Djibouti - $4100Ghana ($2200), Egypt ($3700), CID ($2700), Angola ($2400), Zimbabwe ($2000), Senegal ($1900), Cameroon ($1800), Uganda ($1200).Nigeria is currently only comparing with Niger Republic ($670) and Chad ($1090).Nigerians should bend their neck to learn from other African countries. For example, stop being wicked. Add a little French Colonisation education to your UK. Localism can blind at 99%. Don't learn from foreigners. Learn a thing or two from your immediate neighbours.... and stop following Rwanda ($980). They don't teach Nigerians any real thing. Organise your travels to SA, Congo, Seychelles, Namibia, Gabon, Cameroon etc