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Call For Competition To Compose Nigeria's National Anthem (1960 Throwback)

On January 1st 1959, Federal Nigeria magazine made an announcement that declared a competition for people to compose a new national anthem for the new country Nigeria.The National Planning Committee for Independence has launched a competition to select a National Anthem to commemorate independence for the Federation of Nigeria on October 1, 1960.A prize of $280.00 will be paid for a National Anthem expressing the spirit of a Nigeria that is free and independent among the countries of the world. Entries of not more than three verses of six lines each, IN ENGLISH, are invited from NIGERIANS and NON-NIGE-RIANS inside and outside Nigeria who can put this spirit into words (the setting of the verses to music will be the subject of another announcement).Closing date for entries: March 31, 1959.Entries are to be sent to: Independence Celebrations Officer, c/o Ministry of Internal Affairs, Lagos.From Tolu Ogunlesi.