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Electoral Reforms: INEC Should Be Mandated To Send All Election Data To The NBS.

The National Assembly should amend the Section-62-(subsection-2) of the Electoral-Act in such a way that the INEC should be mandated -- to within a SPECIFIED TIMEFRAME after the announcement of the results (Say; 2-weeks) -- publish on their website; ALL the Election Accreditation Data including the summarized final results, together with all the lower-level collated results and the various results of the various Polling-units -- for each of the elections that are concluded by the INEC.(The Election Accreditation Data which are published on the website should come with all the possible categorizations and demographics fully represented)...The Electoral-Act should also be amended in such a way to mandate the INEC -- to within a SPECIFIED TIMEFRAME after the announcement of the results (Say; 2-weeks) -- Formally/Officially send ALL the Election Accreditation Data including the summarized final results to the office of the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) for statistical documentation purposes.The NBS (after receiving the set of data from the INEC) should be mandated by the Electoral-Act to run series of necessary independent consistency-tests on the whole set of data received (without any further compulsory input from the INEC during the period of the consistency-tests) before making the data public on their platforms; from where independent researchers can have access to the election data.The maximum timeline for the election data to be made public by the NBS (including the publishing of the comprehensive reports which showed all the methodologies and the full results of all the consistency-tests which they conducted on the election results) should also be specified inside the Electoral-Act.. (Say; 3-weeks).(The Election Accreditation Data that is sent to the NBS by the INEC should have all the possible categorizations and demographics fully represented in it)The Electoral-Act should also indicate what would happen to the sets of data that were sent to the NBS, should in case the dataset fails the mandatory consistency-tests that would be conducted by the NBS.