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Africans Are Not Arabs Who Enslaved And Castrated Africans For Centuries

AbuTwins:Hajj is a very important Pillar of Islam that is obligatory upon the rich and capable Muslims among us.If you are not rich plus capable it is not obligatory for you to go!May Allah enrich us to be able to go there with our families devoid of any government interventions!YesDaddyTill203:If you can't afford it, then don't go. I'm a Muslim but I don't support Governor spending public money on pilgrimage. Same way I'm against those SE Governors always using public funds for building churches and other church activities all while trying to curry favour with the church. It's all about politics. Why should anyone spend money for another country's pilgrimage to begin with?Let me even ask, are Africans Arabs to start with?What's African business with Arab's Allah stone who promised a perverted brothel heaven and camel urine for delusional people following such insanity? In fact, if all you can think is the useless brothel heaven promised by an immoral dumb Arab pedophile shows how perverted and dumb you're. High time you started using the intelligence in your Ori. I ask again, are Africans Arabs in the first place?Yoruba have their own Ifa (a mathematical code) which is a million times better than the Arab's allah stone situated in Kabba. As a matter of fact, the basis of Yoruba's Ifa is centered on intelligence, creativity, agriculture, invention and healthcare (modern healthcare) which are the core of what Ifa represent which is civilization. Basically, Ifa which always speak in parables provide an intelligent creative idea and clues as fundamental platform while expecting the Yoruba to build on it for modern invention. That was how Yoruba's ancestors were able to come up with the fundamental basis of computer technology, Vigesimal, Beads, Iron works, several musical instruments, several creative fabrics and designs, ancient pavement roads, several food cuisines, several innovative creative inventions etc 💥✨Why not focus on civilization, instead of championing unprofitable backward foreign things which is no business of Africans to begin with but has rather destroyed and sunk Africans into poverty mess while Saudi Arabia feed fat on the money made from pilgrimages? What have Arabs done for Africa except for enslaving, murdering, castrating Africans and even stealing African lands during the Arab slavery of Africans?Civilization is what Africans need! Not some retrogressive backward foreign practice.Btw, four things which Nigeria need to really focus on should be:1. Restructuring/Regionalism.2. Investment in Large scale mechanized farming.3. Investment in Production Industries which include agro industrialization to link with the large scale mechanized farming.4. Investment in basic civilization such as Electricity and other basic amenities such as good healthcare centers, education, transport amenities such as roads, cargo rails etc..State governments shouldn't also leave everything to the President. The governors aren't elected as Barbies to do nothing with their allocations but are elected to improve the condition of their states and its economy. As a matter of fact, most of these governors fail to realize that they're bound to increase the economy of their states if they can invest in most of the above-mentioned lists. By the way, the country need restructuring to accelerate the development of the country.